Resources for Families

  1. Resources for Families

    Cold & Flu Prevention Tips for Seniors

    Cold and flu season is here, and everyone should take certain measures to remain healthy. Seniors, in particular, are more susceptible to these illnesses and…
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  2. Resources for Families

    Top Health Issues In Senior Women + How To Reduce Your Risk

    Picture a woman in her 60s leading a busy and active life. While she may be enjoying her golden years, it’s important that she also prioritizes her…
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  3. Resources for Families

    The Importance of Senior Living Assessments & How They Help Determine Level of Care

    Senior living communities conduct needs assessments to provide the best possible care for incoming residents. Not only will a needs assessment ensure the…
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  4. Resources for Families

    Chronic Isolation and the Elderly

    When you consider all the public health risks that are associated with older adults, there are two important ones that are often overlooked – loneliness and…
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  5. Resources for Families

    Respite Care Helps Seniors Maintain Independence Following A Medical Event

    According to The Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA), one in every six US adults assists in the care of an elderly family member or relative while also being…
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  6. Resources for Families

    Nutrition at Daylesford Crossing

    Our Approach to Nutrition Getting the nutrition you need is essential to maintaining your overall health during every stage of your Parkinson’s journey. When…
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  7. Resources for Families

    Unintentional Weight Loss In Older Adults

    Many people look in the mirror and think they could benefit from losing a few pounds. Generally speaking, weight loss is seen as a positive thing, and you may…
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  8. Resources for Families

    Order our complimentary booklet on dementia care!

    Understanding Dementia: The Positive Approach® to Care Dementia in all its forms follows a very individual path. Daylesford Crossing uses The Positive…
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  9. Resources for Families

    The Link Between Exercise and Cognition

    Cognition is the ability to reason, make decisions and think, and it contributes to one’s ability to complete everyday tasks. Several recent research studies…
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  10. Resources for Families

    Heat, Sun and Water — Advice for Adults Over 65

    As we age, our bodies’ ability to react to heat and dehydration change. For example, an older adult’s sense of thirst is not as acute as compared to a…
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