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  1. Life at SageLife


    Plush Mills was the setting for some serious puppy love on September 10 when the residence hosted Providence Animal Center. Adoptable dogs cuddled with…
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  2. Life at SageLife

    Tiny Tableau

    Fresh from the Philadelphia Flower Show, Kathy Bright and Ron and Sheri Sullivan visited Plush Mills to talk about their prize-winning entry, Painters’ Duel…
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  3. Life at SageLife

    Mooning over the Eclipse

    We assembled on the balcony for our Eclipse Watching Party where we snacked on Milky Way bars and Sun Chips, and sipped Capri Sun. Some of us had crafted…
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  4. Life at SageLife

    Annual Gala Kicks Off Month of Festivities

    Food, family and friends…all the ingredients were there for a fabulous celebration! Our annual Holiday Gala was the perfect launch for a packed calendar of…
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  5. Resources for Families

    Heat, Sun and Water — Advice for Adults Over 65

    As we age, our bodies’ ability to react to heat and dehydration change. For example, an older adult’s sense of thirst is not as acute as compared to a…
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  6. Press & News

    There’s Never Been a Better Time to Make Your Move

    “We don’t know what we would have done if we hadn’t made the move when we did.” When Phil and Toni Pitis moved to Plush Mills from their longtime home…
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  7. Life at SageLife

    Ready for some football!

    There’s nothing like high school football to get you into the Fall spirit! Plush Mills’ residents and staff were honored guests at Strath Haven High School…
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  8. Employee Showcase

    Monthly Town Hall Meeting

    Each month, the Plush Mills team gathers for a Town Hall meeting. Town Hall provides an opportunity for our associates to share experiences, successes,…
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  9. Life at SageLife

    New Neighbors on the Same Page, Literally!

    David Bosniack and his wife, Eve, moved from Scotch Plains, New Jersey to Daylesford Crossing this past August to be closer to family. Shortly after moving in,…
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  10. Life at SageLife

    Artistic Judgment

    Not letting arctic temperatures deter them, a group of residents and friends took a trip to the Michener Museum in Doylestown to view the show, “A Judicial…
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