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Press & News
SageLife President Kelly Andress Interviewed in Authority Magazine
SageLife Founder and President Kelly Andress was recently profiled and interviewed as a part of Authority Magazine’s ‘Five Things I Wish Someone…Read Now -
Press & News
Video Tours of Our Apartments
Look inside the apartments at Village Crossing at Worman's Mill!Read Now -
Press & News
SageLife STEM Event Series – Megafauna Fun
SageLife's STEM events continue with a Megafauna theme as residents and staff alike collaborated on short films to celebrate dinosaurs and more!Read Now -
Resources for Families
Cold & Flu Prevention Tips for Seniors
Cold and flu season is here, and everyone should take certain measures to remain healthy. Seniors, in particular, are more susceptible to these illnesses and…Read Now -
Resources for Families
Top Health Issues In Senior Women + How To Reduce Your Risk
Picture a woman in her 60s leading a busy and active life. While she may be enjoying her golden years, it’s important that she also prioritizes her…Read Now -
Resources for Families
The Importance of Senior Living Assessments & How They Help Determine Level of Care
Senior living communities conduct needs assessments to provide the best possible care for incoming residents. Not only will a needs assessment ensure the…Read Now -
Press & News
Considering A Senior Living Community: Signs That It’s Time
You may have heard the familiar statement about time speeding up the older you get. Of course, time doesn’t really go any faster; it just seems that way. One…Read Now -
Press & News
Dementia Support Group at Daylesford Crossing
You are not alone. Helping to care for someone with dementia can be challenging and exhausting. A support group can give you the reassurance you need to reduce…Read Now -
Press & News
Village Crossing & the Vision for Worman’s Mill
Watch our new video below “One of our major accomplishments has been Worman’s Mill,” says Ken Wormald, a partner in his family’s…Read Now -
Press & News
Move for Life – Live Well at Every Age and Stage
In the video below, meet Butch Santosuosso and physical therapist Tessa Taylor of Daylesford Crossing’s ‘Move for Life’ program which focuses on…Read Now