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Life at SageLife
Awesome Autumn Album
Busy, busy, busy! We had a pumpkin-focused fall…pumpkin picking, pumpkin painting, pumpkin carving, and even a giant pumpkin puzzle. Our artistic…Read Now -
Resources for Families
Boost Your Immune System Naturally
It’s that time of year again when the weather changes, ushering in the flu, cold viruses and upper respiratory infections. If left unchecked, these viruses…Read Now -
Life at SageLife
Star Light, Star Bright
Don’t know about you, but ever since the eclipse, we’ve been feeling kind of starry-eyed. So, we invited Don Knabb of Chester County Astronomical…Read Now -
Life at SageLife
Just Peachy!
Everyone agreed that our recent “Peach of a Picnic” was an unqualified hit! Grilled Chicken Wings with Peach Glaze, Pulled Pork Sandwiches with…Read Now -
Meet the Residents
Batter up!
‘Swing for Doubles’ going strong! We headed out to Conestoga High School where Daylesford Crossing resident Dr. John Lemcke threw the…Read Now -
Life at SageLife
Guess who dropped by?
What if Carol Burnett popped by your home to share some laughs? That’s just what happened at Daylesford Crossing! Read all about our ‘brush with…Read Now -
Resources for Families
Teepa Snow Visits Daylesford Crossing
Recently, we hosted internationally-recognized dementia care expert, Teepa Snow (center, in green), for an eye-opening workshop: “The ABCs of Dementia,…Read Now -
Press & News
Bruno Goussault Trains Daylesford Crossing Chefs
“I always extend an invitation to have lunch or dinner here,” said Marybeth Cannon, Director of Community Relations, of meeting with someone who’s…Read Now -
Press & News
Topped Out!
Big milestone! The last structural beam was put in place on the top level of the building. John Thorson of Norwood Construction explained the significance of…Read Now