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  1. Meet the Residents

    In the News: Annabel Liu

    Recently, Delco News Network Editor Peg DeGrassa interviewed our favorite author, Plush Mills resident Annabel Liu about her recently published memoir,…
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  2. Resources for Families

    New Year’s Resolutions You Won’t Regret

    The earliest recorded traditions of New Year’s celebrations date to the ancient Babylonians around 400 BC. According to historical records, the Babylonians…
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  3. Resources for Families

    Senior Living Communities Make the Holidays Happier

    The holidays should be a time to celebrate and share, but for some people the season can be stressful. Some older adults may make a plan to move, but then…
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  4. Meet the Residents

    Win or Lose, Gina Loves the Phillies!

    Gina Falgiatore has been a baseball fan for most of her life. And when she first saw the Philadelphia Phillies, she fell in love. Learn more about Gina’s…
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  5. Life at SageLife

    SageLife Team Members Volunteer at WHYY

    Team members from SageLife communities in Pennsylvania visited WHYY in Philadelphia to volunteer during their pledge drive. Every year, WHYY and other NPR…
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  6. Resources for Families

    Tips For Enjoying The Sounds Of Summer

    Music can help bring back memories, or be a part of making new ones. It can alleviate boredom, dispel “the blues”, and keep you motivated to exercise,…
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  7. Press & News

    Bruno Goussault Trains Plush Mills Chefs

    “One of the first things I do is extend an invitation to have lunch or dinner here,” said Joan Sobel, Director of Community Relations, of meeting with…
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  8. Employee Showcase

    Interview With Kelly

    Plush Mills founder, Kelly Andress, was recently interviewed by The Philadelphia Business Journal regarding the newest Sage property, Daylesford Crossing.…
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  9. Press & News

    The Benefits Of Online Shopping

    Marilyn Monroe once said, “Happiness is not in money, but in shopping.” Although some may disagree, shopping can be a highly satisfying pursuit, especially…
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  10. Life at SageLife

    Shenanigans and Malarkey!

    There were plenty of both in our days-long St. Paddy’s Day celebration. We had a performance by Irish dancers, made some Irish Potatoes (the sweet kind!) and…
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