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Life at SageLife
Ready for some football!
There’s nothing like high school football to get you into the Fall spirit! Plush Mills’ residents and staff were honored guests at Strath Haven High School…Read Now -
Employee Showcase
Monthly Town Hall Meeting
Each month, the Plush Mills team gathers for a Town Hall meeting. Town Hall provides an opportunity for our associates to share experiences, successes,…Read Now -
Life at SageLife
New Neighbors on the Same Page, Literally!
David Bosniack and his wife, Eve, moved from Scotch Plains, New Jersey to Daylesford Crossing this past August to be closer to family. Shortly after moving in,…Read Now -
Life at SageLife
Artistic Judgment
Not letting arctic temperatures deter them, a group of residents and friends took a trip to the Michener Museum in Doylestown to view the show, “A Judicial…Read Now -
Meet the Residents
What are your favorite holiday memories?
Roving reporter, David Culver asked Plush Mills residents to share their favorite holiday traditions and memories. Their answers appeared in the December…Read Now -
Resources for Families
Enjoy Better Mobility For Healthy Aging
Mobility limitations may be a litmus test for healthy aging. That’s the finding of a recent study conducted by the University of Alabama at Birmingham.…Read Now -
Life at SageLife
Ready For the First Day of School
Every year at back-to-school time, SageLife communities have a tradition of packing backpacks with school supplies for our team members. We are proud to join…Read Now -
Life at SageLife
Voting at Plush Mills
Plush Mills had the honor of taking part in the 2018 Election and serving their surrounding community. Voters from Nether Providence’s 4th Ward gathered at…Read Now -
Press & News
Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Congratulations to all the honorees fêted at Main Line Today’s ‘Healthcare Heroes’ reception at the Desmond in Malvern. Kelly Andress,…Read Now -
Meet the Residents
Audrey Paris Art Exhibit
Plush Mills resident Audrey Paris was recently featured in a solo exhibition at Swarthmore’s Dew Drop Inn. The exhibition opening was attended by many…Read Now