Plush Mills Resources

  1. Life at SageLife

    Passion for Fashion

    Our residents donned the latest fashions and walked the runway at our Annual Spring Fashion Show last week. After the last model strutted the runway, the…
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  2. Resources for Families

    Electronic Readers vs. Paper Books – Which Is Better?

    Older adults have lived their whole lives reading physical books. Over the last 20 years we’ve seen the rise of the E-reader, a new technology that allows…
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  3. Life at SageLife

    LAX Lunch

    Hoagies, Herr’s and Tastykakes were on the menu when members of Strath Haven High School‘s lacrosse team joined the Plush Mills’ Men’s Club for lunch.…
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  4. Life at SageLife

    Plush Mills’ Poets

    Did you see resident Bob Moore’s poem in this week’s Swarthmorean? Bob (whose son Bob has a poem included in the same edition) is the founder of the Plush…
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  5. Meet the Residents

    Surrounded by Choppers, Frank Moore Feels at Home

    A group of us recently made a visit to the American Helicopter Museum in West Chester where Plush Mills resident Frank Moore felt right at home.  The…
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  6. Press & News

    Proceed (with Caution)!

    Masking up and branching out…we’ve reintroduced group trips, indoor visiting, and community dining. Careful planning, universal testing, and responsive…
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  7. Press & News

    Exercise Your Brain

    Keeping the brain active and fit is just as important as keeping the body in good physical shape. This is why brain exercises are just as important as physical…
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  8. Press & News

    What Type Of Senior Living Community Is Right For You?

    If you are like most people “of a certain age”, you’ve probably spent your life setting goals and working diligently to ensure you’ll be able to retire…
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  9. Meet the Residents

    Plush Mills Resident, Jack Klotz Honored

    Family, friends, staff and guests gathered yesterday to honor Plush Mills resident Jack Klotz in a program organized by Compassus Hospice Veteran Liaison Linda…
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  10. Resources for Families

    Teepa Snow Leads Workshop

    Recently, we hosted internationally-recognized dementia care expert Teepa Snow (center, in green) for an eye-opening workshop: “The ABCs of Dementia, Seeing…
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