Daylesford Crossing Resources
Resources for Families
Unintentional Weight Loss In Older Adults
Many people look in the mirror and think they could benefit from losing a few pounds. Generally speaking, weight loss is seen as a positive thing, and you may…Read Now -
Resources for Families
Order our complimentary booklet on dementia care!
Understanding Dementia: The Positive Approach® to Care Dementia in all its forms follows a very individual path. Daylesford Crossing uses The Positive…Read Now -
Press & News
Harnessing The Power Of Positive Thinking
Writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” It turns out that this sentiment…Read Now -
Press & News
Home Care vs. Senior Living: How to Decide
If your loved one is about to leave a hospital, a skilled nursing facility, or a rehab center, it may have been an emotional time for your family. Now you’re…Read Now -
Press & News
The Benefits Of Art Therapy On Well-Being
Artist Marc Chagall once said, “If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.” For many, creating art is a way to…Read Now -
Resources for Families
The Link Between Exercise and Cognition
Cognition is the ability to reason, make decisions and think, and it contributes to one’s ability to complete everyday tasks. Several recent research studies…Read Now -
Life at SageLife
Mooning over the Eclipse
We assembled on the balcony for our Eclipse Watching Party where we snacked on Milky Way bars and Sun Chips, and sipped Capri Sun. Some of us had crafted…Read Now -
Press & News
Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Congratulations to all the honorees fêted at Main Line Today’s ‘Healthcare Heroes’ reception at the Desmond in Malvern. Kelly Andress,…Read Now -
Life at SageLife
New Neighbors on the Same Page, Literally!
David Bosniack and his wife, Eve, moved from Scotch Plains, New Jersey to Daylesford Crossing this past August to be closer to family. Shortly after moving in,…Read Now -
Resources for Families
Proceed (with Caution)!
Masking up and branching out…we’ve reintroduced group trips, indoor visiting, and community dining. Careful planning, universal testing, and…Read Now